In the book “A Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell, he describes the similarities of all real life’s hero’s, the mythical ones, and the common paths that each take. Each journey begins with the CALL TO ADVENTURE, where the character is awakened by his ambitious calling and sets out on accomplishing some audacious feat or goal. They cross the threshold of everyday routine here and begin the ROAD OF TRIALS into the abyss. The abyss is where they experience rock bottom due to their failures and can either stay there or be transformed by virtue of a great METAMORPHISES into an area of what the author calls the ULTIMATE BOON. The “Ultimate Boon” is the benefit, favor, or blessing that is bestowed upon the hero figure. It is the actual deeming or the awarding of the title of hero or the title of champion.
Participating in this year’s Cherokee Championship was definitely my journey of trials……………..straight into the abyss.